Each manufacturer has its own values – things that he values so highly. For someone it is company reputation, for someone – well-established marketing outlets, and for someone – their own well-being. For someone, but not for us. We are convinced that there is something more important. It is love and trust of our customers. Dear customers! We really appreciate what you gave preference to products of our company. And it is our company you trust your health and health of your relatives and friends. We sincerely appreciate you for this! Because there would not be us without you.
We won’t lie if we say that each of our employees is very valuable for us. After all, thanks to the coordinated work of the entire staff we are able to achieve all the goals we set. ABC Company — is a team of like-minded, in which all are united by a common idea — to work for the consumer. This approach allows us to show consistently high results each year and win the hearts of new buyers.
Discarding false modesty, we can say that we have something to be proud of. And it’s not just our opinion, but the evaluation of independent experts, the jury of numerous competitions.
Our awards:
1. Fair-Exhibition of Food Products «Moscow-99»

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- Gold medal and diploma «The Best Domestic Product» for ketchup «Spicy» and mushrooms «Butter mushrooms» marinated
2. Trade Fairs «Interproduct-99» and «Prodtorgexpo-2000», Minsk
- Diplomas for a wide range of high quality products
3. Interregional exhibition «FOOD-2000», Sochi
- 40 gold medals for the quality of all types of products
4. International exhibition «Gourmet 2000», Moscow
- «Grand Prix» for a wide range and quality of products
- 4 gold medals for pickled mushrooms
- Gold — pickled garlic
- 6 silver medals — jams, mashed berries with sugar
- Silver — mayonnaise «Provonsal Special»
5. Public certification of product samples provided by the international specialized exhibition «Interfood», «Pischepromexpo», «Myasomol-prom», «Foodpack» 25-28 April 2001, St. Petersburg
- Gold medal INTERFOOD AWARD for pickled mushrooms
6. Public prize «Golden Mercury — 2001» for the creation of the best national brand of the year, Grodno 7. V republican product research, 18 December 2002, Minsk
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
8. International Exhibition of food «World FOOD-2003″, Moscow
- Silver medal for pickled mushrooms, horseradish «Boyarsky»
9. International Exhibition of food «World FOOD-2004″, Moscow
- Bronze medal for pickled cucumbers and peppers in tomato sauce
10. VII Republican Contest of Food, 20 December 2004, Minsk
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables» for pickled cucumbers «ABC» and horseradish «Boyarsky»
11. VIII Republican Contest of Food, 14 December 2005, Minsk
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables» for pickled cucumbers
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
12. IX Republican Contest of Food, 18 December 2005, Minsk
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of III degree in the category «Juices»
13. The international festival-contest «Choice of the Year 2007», Belarus
- “Horseradish №1 of 2007″
14. X Republican Contest of Food, 17 December 2007, Minsk
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of I degree in the nomination «The sauce based on mayonnaise»
15. XI Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2008»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Canned vegetables»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «The sauce based on mayonnaise»
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of II degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
16. XII Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2009»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mustard»
17. XIII Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2010»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «Horseradish»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «The Juice»
- Diploma of I degree in the category «canned vegetables»
18. The international festival-contest «Choice of the Year 2010», Belarus
- “Horseradish №1 of 2010″
19. Diplomas and awards received in 2011
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences»Product of the Year 2011″ in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2011» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2011» in the category «Canned fruits»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2011» in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2011» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Grand Prix (the highest award) in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2011» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences»Product of the Year 2011″in the category «Horseradish»
20. Diplomas and awards received in 2012
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences»Product of the Year 2012″ in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2012» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2012» in the category «Canned fruits»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2012» in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2012» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Grand Prix (the highest award) in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2012» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2012» in the category «Horseradish»
- The winner in the contest of canned products «Crystal Apple» in the category «Fruit preserves»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the national contest «The Champion of Taste» for mayonnaise «Provansal Lux»
- Diploma of the 3rd degree in the national contest «The Champion of Taste» for grapefruit juice
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the national contest «The Champion of Taste» for apple juice
21. Diplomas and awards received in 2013
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Canned fruits»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Grand Prix (the highest award) in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2013» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2013» in the category «Horseradish»
- The winner in the contest of canned products «Crystal Apple» in the category «Fruit preserves»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the national contest «The Champion of Taste» for mayonnaise «Provansal Lux»
22. Diplomas and awards received in 2014
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Canned fruits»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2014» in the category «Horseradish»
- The winner of the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2014» in the nomination «Brand Leader»
- The winner in the contest of canned products «Crystal Apple» in the category «Fruit preserves»
23. Diplomas and awards received in 2015
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Canned fruits»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Ketchup»
- Diploma of the 2nd degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of the 1st degree in the Republican contest of consumer preferences «Product of the Year 2015» in the category «Horseradish»
24. Diplomas and awards received in 2016
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican contest «Brand of the Year» in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Horseradish»
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Fruit and vegetable products”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Horseradish”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Mustard”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Ketchup”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Honey”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2016” in the category “Chicken eggs”
25. Diplomas and awards received in 2017
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2017» in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2017» in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Horseradish»
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican contest «Brand of the Year 2017» in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Ketchup»
- The Grand Prix of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Horseradish”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Mustard”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Ketchup”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Juices”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Fruit and vegetable products”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Chicken eggs”
- Diploma of the winner of the Republican consumer market development award “Leader 2017” in the category “Honey
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Mayonnaise»
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Horseradish «
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Mustard»
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Chicken eggs»
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Juices»
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Tomato Sauces”
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Ketchup”
- Diploma of the winner of the Public contest «The best product of the year-2017” in nomination «Brand Leader» in the category «Preserves”
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